What Are the Features and Use of Custom LED Light Engines?
A LED is the cost effective way to light up your house and surroundings. LED lights are different from other lighting sources such as incandescent bulbs and CFLs. LEDs emit light in a specific direction and reduces the need for reflectors. The features of the LED lighting make it an efficient choice at homes, offices, and commercial locations. A Light Engine is a different concept from LED lights as it is regulating power, managing thermals, and providing protection. The LED manufacturing companies build customized Light Engines with the OEM in mind. The light engine is used by Illuminator Devices and delivers clean & consistent light. The Custom LED light engine offers you the peace of mind that you need lifelong. It is ensuring optimum performance while achieving exceptional lifelines. A light engine is the LED equivalent of a conventional trip and it consists of a LED chip mounted on a circuit board. It has electrical and mechanical fixing which is ready to be fixed in th...